So you are worried about the future and what will happen to humankind. Will we survive the impossible odds and become an inter-planetary specie or even an inter-galaxial specie? Well that's complicated. The future is uncertain and really hard to predict because of the constant changes happening in the present. The changing present depends upon the past and the imaginary future depends on our present. 

The human civilizations that lived way in the past made many advancements during their time like the Romans, Greeks, Persians, Egypt, Mesopotamia etc. These beautiful civilizations didn't last forever because of the tragic events like war, diseases and natural disasters. But not all humans were perished from a civilization. Some survived and built everything from ground up. There have been many events that killed millions of people but the human race is resilient  which has helped it to survive.

The Black plague which was a bubonic plague killed half of Londoneers and 60% estimated of all the Europeans. Estimated deaths in total were between 75 to 200 million. But the humans survived that time as well which is a great example of people's resilience. Experts believe that we're already on our way to extinction in the sixth mass extinction event. The last one happened 65.5 million years ago which wiped out all the dinosaurs.




 Humans are fragile. Even the weakest diseases can kill humans but at the same time, the immune system of humans is so strong that it can fight off any disease in the world with a little boost given by vaccines. Vaccines show the resilience of  human beings. Humans have survived the wars and have rebuilt everything that got destroyed. In some ways, wars have given a boost in development, After the world wars, humans have developed the world into a global village with instant communication.


With nuclear power, it has never been easier for humans to destroy themselves. With the push of some buttons, every major city in the world can be destroyed. No one will even notice the destruction because nuclear bombs are instant kills. These bombs are so devastating that the people who die in these explosions don't even feel the pain.
    Hiroshima is an example of the destruction caused by one of these bombs. Hiroshima's major population got killed. But as usual, human population recovered and now Hiroshima is home to over 10 million residents. Some health effects are still present to this day but they are not that significant. Many political tensions are still present between many big countries that can lead to huge catastrophe.


There are many natural disasters that can cause extinction of human race like how the meteoroid wiped out the dinosaurs. The yellow stone is an active site which can erupt at any time now and cause massive destruction. It can destroy most of America and it can lower the temperature of the whole damn world by a certain degree. A massive volcano erupts every 10,000 to 30,000 years. The yellow stone seems to erupt every 600,000 years and the time is due now. A massive eruption can happen any time now.


There are many scary circumstances today that are slowly leading to human extinction:

1:Connected World: The world is more connected than ever before. If something happens, panic will spread everywhere and like many diseases like corona can spread in hours all over the world. Human life has never been more easy with almost endless supply of food and internet all over the world. We just need to learn how to use everything correctly.

2:Diseases: With a connected world like this, diseases spread extremely fast. With development in subjects like biotechnology, we can develop diseases which are easy to spread like corona and as deadly as ebola.

3:Overpopulation: Overpopulation is a topic I have covered before so I am gonna explain it briefly here. Overpopulation means more mouths to feed and less resources to fill their needs. This can potentially lead to chaos and fight for limited resources  but that has a pretty low chance of happening.

4:Industry: Industry is crucial for human survival. Collapse in industry can wipe out everything. Fossil fuels are limited and when that limit is reached, we're gonna have to completely rely on renewable resources but that shift is not easy as 70 to 80 percent fuel is fossil fuel. This will be extremely catastrophic.


After all these years of war and bloodshed, humans have settled down and have accepted peace for most of the part. The future can be beautiful and horrendous and it can only be defined by the ideas that are in action  in the present. Only the strong  people will create a better future. The future is a lot to think for a single person. It takes every guy in a team to win a match. It will take many people with great ideas to change the world in a good way.


Our chances of survival are little if anything big happens like meteoroids and natural disasters but the human race is resilient and will survive even the toughest of times. We will develop into an inter-planetary system if we walk on the right way and that way is complicated to explain. Time does not stop and we will die eventually. Even the universe will die out someday. Nothing lasts forever. I have not covered about climate change because that should be covered separately. Now what do you guys think? when will the world end?
How will the world end?
